Collaboration and Planning for a Purpose

Often schools and organizations undertake laborious planning and collaborative processes that end in frustration rather than success.

Radical Shift offers:

  • Collaboration and planning with well designed, results-focused processes that achieve short and long term results.
  • Dynamic facilitation that is both purposeful and engaging, igniting innovation.
  • Relationship building that allows disparate groups to coalesce around a co-created objectives beyond RSC’s short involvement.
  • Particularly deep understanding of and experience with helping schools, partners and districts implement community schools and shared leadership strategies.

Expertise in the following areas

  • Cross sector collaboration
  • School culture transformation
  • Data/outcomes-based planning/
  • Family engagement strategies and models

“Carol is passionate about supporting organizations and it’s leaders. She is a writer and researcher, who regularly contributes to the field ensuring that the lessons she learns from the ground in practice can support others far beyond the Bay Area”


Pam Pradachith-Demler, Executive Director, SF Beacon Initiative

“Achieving significantly impacts takes risk, time and resources.”


When the results you require a RADICAL SHIFT, I can help.